Catholicity and Inclusion
Catholic life:
Jesus lives at the centre of every great Catholic school. He is our first thought and our last thought.
Jesus is present in the welcome we offer to all who visit our schools and is present in every relationship that defines the way that we work. All staff who work in our schools are called to uphold and promote the ethos of our schools, recognising their role in answering Jesus’ call to love one another. It is a point of great celebration that staff from many different faith traditions as well as those of no particular faith offer great depth and support to this work.
Our schools offer an invitation to prayer that is so important to mental and spiritual health. They provide distinctive and memorable liturgical experiences and are made complete in the offering of Mass.
For so many children, our schools will be their main point of contact with the Church for reasons that are beyond their control. We meet those children, and Christ present in them, with love. Through this work we will continue to foster the traditions and nourish the roots that bind parish, home and school.
“Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations” Matthew 28:19
Our Catholic schools have a particular concern for the poor. Addressing the needs of all those who face poverty - spiritual, social, economic or cultural – is a key priority for our schools and goes to the heart of what we are about.
Our vision is for a family of schools that is fully inclusive. Through outstanding pastoral care, we believe we are able to support and inspire young people to be the best that they can be.
We have a firm belief that for any child to thrive it is not enough that they are loved, they must know that they are loved. This is not an aspiration, it is an expectation of every member of staff working in our Trust today and tomorrow.
"In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me." Matthew 25:40
Special Education Needs and Disabilities:
Our vision is for every child who can reasonably access mainstream education in a way that is fulfilling for that child to be able to do so. We will strive to make this possible wherever we can and wherever we can be certain it will provide a rich experience for the child concerned.
Some schools in our Trust have developed / will develop specialist provisions. These specialist provisions are intended to support the wider education community in those areas and form part of the local area offer.